Dalla Comunità di Colorado Springs, CO (SUO)
Question Answers for Circular 987: Vocation: a yes that is renewed over time :
- We commit to deepening our personal relationship with Mary so that we can become more like her; humble, courageous, dynamic, striving to make her living YES, our motivation to serve God and others. We will take refuge from her fiat to accompany our fiat and give us courage.
- Yes, we desire for our community to be accompanied by Mary and we will commit to creating a “climate of concrete expression of gestures of exquisite humanity, of trust, of respect, of esteem, and of understanding, in an attitude of open, family-like dialogue, of gratitude, and of mutual acceptance “ (cf. C 50) Furthermore, we will review articles 50, 62 & 73 to evaluate our witness of sisterly communion.