Dalla Comunita di St. Dominic Savio – Bellflower – Ispettoria SUO – California, USA
Circular # 987
Question # 1
Let us open our heart’s door and ask ourselves, how Mary’s humble, courageous, dynamic yes, can make our daily yes to God more aware and deeper so that we may be increasingly available to Him and at the service of the people He entrusts to us, especially the neediest?
Thank you, dearest Mother Yvonne, for your dynamic and courageous “yes”, your generous availability to be of service and your compelling joy. As a Formation Community, we commit ourselves to dialogue to seek understanding, an understanding which leads to action.
Question # 2
Is this not what we desire for our communities; to be accompanied by Mary so that those who meet us can feel that our hearts burn with love given with tenderness and gratuity; that our experience of God may become the power of evangelization, spreading the passion for vocations?
Dearest Mother Yvonne, by your untiring example you teach us to reach out to everyone. In this time of social distancing and self-quarantine, we will join our province community, our parish, school, and religious education center to reach out to accompany the young through social media.