Dalle Comunità dell’Ispettoria Maria Ausiliatrice (INC) – Calcutta – India
Fruit of the Reflective study and Sharing of Circular 992
To become a community, open to the working of the Holy Spirit in us, through the contemplation of the Word, constant Prayer, building genuine relationship in reciprocal forgiveness, with gestures of acceptance and respect, placing the person at the centre and valuing the personal encounter as an event of grace to increase a fascination to follow Christ.
(Community – Park Circus)
We commit ourselves to be guided by the Holy Spirit, to transform our life and become communities that generate new life and an authentic “Metonia”, in our daily encounter with one another.
(Community – R. K. Puram – New Delhi)
Chiseled by the Holy Spirit and regenerated by the Word of God we commit ourselves to the transformation of our gaze and openness of our heart to the joy of giving and receiving simple gestures of acceptance, respect, patience, forgiveness and trust in the community and mission.
(Community – Auxilium, Bandel)
We commit ourselves to be mothers and helpers by letting ourselves to be regulated by Him rekindling our dedication for and with young people, renewing our passion for a more open and inclusive education, including patient listening, constructive dialogue and better mutual understanding among ourselves and the young who are with us investing our best of energies with creativity and responsibility.
(Community – Snehadhan Bareilly)
We commit ourselves to be guided by the Holy spirit to be more united by living Art.50 of the Constitution daily.
(Community – Najafgarh)
Empowered by the Life giving Spirit, seeking and desirous of His transforming presence in our personal and community life, we commit ourselves:
- To cultivate an attitude of respect towards everyone: our sisters, the young people, and those we meet daily, considering them as “sacred space” of the indwelling Spirit; remove the ‘sandals’ of prejudice and grudge
- To be deeply human savoring the joy of giving and receiving simple gestures of acceptance, respect, human warmth, patience and trust.
- To cultivate a caring attitude for each other (reciprocal accompaniment); to use the
- ‘Personal Encounter’ as an event of grace that strengthens spiritual growth and mutual relationships
- To create an attitude of constant Gratitude to God for our Mother General whose life is a ‘tree that bears fruit’. In gratitude to God for His beautiful Creation, we care for our ‘Common Home’ through ‘go-green’ program.
(Community – Auxilium, Dum Dum)
We commit ourselves to be spiritual women, deeply human, dialogue with the Holy Spirit, listening to the Word of God, reciprocal forgiveness and joyful mothers and helpers who generate new life among the young people.
(Community – Vicuna Nivas, Jumaikela)
We commit ourselves to be spirit filled women who are deeply human, savors the joy of simple gestures of love respect, acceptance and trust among ourselves and with our recipients to generate new life.
(Community – Auxilium Kalyani)
Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to be spiritual women, who are deeply human, capable of giving and receiving simple gestures of acceptance, respect, human warmth, patience and trust.
(Nirmala Niketan, Jaigaon)
We commit ourselves to generate life, radiate joy and hope, to bring forgiveness the triumph of love for a transformation which will help to look towards the future with hope.
(Community – Mazzarello Home, Monsada)
We commit ourselves to listen to the Spirit of God daily which transforms life, strengthening life among the sisters and the young people through mutual communion, where life is regenerated and the young people finds a home.
(Community – Auxilum, Thecho)
The Holy Spirit, presence that transforms
- We commit ourselves to make our community a new Pentecost where differences in age, culture, language, opinion, idea, talent are harmonized and conflicts give way to peace, joy, mercy, forgiveness and harmony that looks positively at the good and beautiful in every person and situation.
- We commit ourselves to create an open space that leads to deep encounter with Jesus and like Mary we totally entrust ourselves to God So that the personal and community life becomes more fervent, enthusiastic, fresh with great zeal and strong in hope, ready to journey towards higher goal.
The Communities, places where life is generated
- We commit ourselves to be mothers and consecrated women to generate life through our loving and caring gestures and reciprocal accompaniment.
- We commit ourselves to see each person’s ‘Sacredness’ with the same gaze of God who is mercy, tenderness, forgiveness, trust, gratuitous love, to achieve triumph of love.
Education space of generativity
- We commit ourselves to rekindle our dedication and renew our passion for and with young people, drawing the wealth from preventive system with patient listening, constructive dialogue and better mutual understanding.
- We commit ourselves to place the human person at the centre and invest our best energies with creativity and responsibility to offer them values, which train them to be ready to place themselves at the service of the society.
(Community Mazzarello, Ranchi)
Sweetest Gratefulness…
As the leaves of Mother Generals letter,
Spells the commitment for the better
It holds a fruitful like so new;
To frame a gratitude of world’s view.
Generated by the Word that quenches thirst,
To be chiselled by the Spirit is a must.
Reciprocal accompaniment is a sacred fusion;
That fulfills the community’s educative mission.
Along journey to open spaces,
To embrace the different races
Walk beside the river up to the brim;
That nourish the tree planted at the stream.
Sentiments of joy expressed without fear,
Expression of LOVE for you is so dear.
Without a further delay for the other,
We say “Thank you” dear Mother.
(Community – Auxilium, Kurseong)
Thank you Mother
The essence of all beautiful art,
For all art is Gratitude.
Dear Mother, we say “Thank You”
But it doesn’t seem enough.
Thank you for the maternal style and gaze
With new vitality and creativity
Full of hope of new wine
Vibrates us to be transformed
Thank you for the journey towards GCXXIV
With dynamism and wisdom of heart
Woman of the Spirit, deeply human
Transforms new life in the spirit of the charism
(Community – Auxilium, Gobra)
Thank you Mother
We sisters of Auxilium Barasat pledge to do our optimum
To study and live the Theme of the world gratitude day
We delved deep into the selected cute inaugural psalm
Which spoke of the evergreen tree planted by the stream
We fathomed that you are that incessant fruit bearing tree
That provided to all your daughters invigorating nutrition
That facilitated the communities to be ever life generating
That mobilized each one to renewal open to transforming
Your circulars were relevant, and a breath-taking treasure mine
Your cheery and homely presence eradiated all anxiety and gloom
Your charm was like magnet that drew young without any reserve
We felt privileged and lucky to have you as our mother so suave.
As we journey towards world gratitude day we truly promise
We’ll let ourselves be chiselled encountering the Holy Spirit
To live the generative power of the Charism in this historic hour
To be women who radiate joy and hope to the new generations
As we sojourn towards 150th anniversary of our dear institute
We’ll go back with the hearts memory to the institute’s origins
To be impassioned lovers of Jesus and eloquent witness of love
To encounter God with all in the ordinary situations of daily life
As we voyage in this most difficult historic time of Corona Virus
We vow to respond to the hour with creativity &unimagined guts
Allowing the Spirit to be the transforming protagonists of our lives
To be communities that generate life in the heart of contemporaneity.
As we experience the lock down of all nations with pandemic covid 19
We muse we are called to be women of the spirit and deeply human
To reinforce the need for contemplation of the word and constant prayer
To look positively at the good in every situation and in every creature
As we hear you speaking to us heart to heart on the theme of GC XXIV
We make our covenant that we won’t’ be individualistic but synodal
To rekindle our dedication for and with the young people of our time
Living with passion and missionary zeal our heritage and our charism
(Community – Auxilium, Barasat)
Thank you – Commitment
Give thanks for each year
Give thanks for twelve years of service
To our Mother who is so dear
Give thanks each day and night for all that she has done for us.
Let each day be a thanksgiving
For the guidance you gave
To deepen our encounter with Jesus
And to be open to the Holy Spirit
To live as spiritual women, deeply human,
Cultivating relationships with love and hope,
To fill the “empty Jars” of many young people in our neighbourhood,
With “New Wine” and generate fecundity
and to walk with courage and enthusiasm.
(Community – St. Mary’s, Geyzing)
Thank you Mother
Thank you, O God
For giving us our Mother General
So entrusted with the Holy Spirit
We come forward to learn
The varied forms of living out our consecration
Thank you, O God, for giving us,
A mother whose life is a tree that bears fruit
Living by which one could become another
Thank you, O God, for giving us
This beauty of choices of Consecrated Life
And this beauty of challenges and this beauty of variety
And much more, this variety of beauty
Thank you, O God, for enthusing
Each one of us to select a tree among the above,
And to do justice to it by one’s very life
Thank you Mother, Thank you Mother
(Community – Snehalaya, Palam Gaon)
Thank You! Mother
On the sunny bright day a little babe was born
The tiny little eyes and nose, hands and feet looked like
Fairer than the fairy of old
Gazing at her mother in dazzling eyes
Clapping her hands with joy
To say thank you mum dear
The little baby grown to be
The future Madre Yvonne Reungoat
She grew tall and robust
Carrying smiling face always
One morning on the spring
Heard the voice of Jesus,
“Go into the world to announce the Gospel”
Called by the missionary mandate of Jesus;
Thus she said “Yes” to his call
Like Mary our Mother
Followed the Master everywhere
High as the sky, deep as the sea
Is how much you are loved by the FMA world
Wide as the desert and tall as the eucalyptus
is how much you are loved by all of us mother dear
You unite us all with the lovely letters
Like hen gathers her chicks
Your love goes beyond the horizon
To save the souls of many
We thank and love you Mother dear
You are the best Mother in the world.
Happy Gratitude day!
(Auxilium, Thecho)
Mother ‘thank you’
There are no words big enough for a thank you.
With smile on our lips and love in our hearts, we say thank you
Hearts filled with gratitude we remember your sacrifices
Thank you for being so special full of love
You are a marvellous leader, we acknowledge.
You are a special person with a heart sincere.
We are inspired with every word in your circulars
Your love and encouragement, your guidance and commitment we remember often
Thank you God we say for you from our hearts
(Community – Holy Child Auxilium Vasant Vihar)