Dalla Comunità St. Mary’s – Boyle Heights – Mary Immaculate Province (SUO) – California
Circular # 987
Question # 1
Let us open our heart’s door and ask ourselves, how Mary’s humble, courageous, dynamic yes, can make our daily yes to God more aware and deeper so that we may be increasingly available to Him and at the service of the people He entrusts to us, especially the neediest?
Mary’s Yes prompts us to make our Yes more fervent and ever deeper. Pondering Don Bosco’s call to be “Living Monuments of Mary,” helps us to live the attitude of Mary. Revisiting and reflecting on the original call we received, is a springboard to understanding Mary’s Yes. Our YES becomes deeper as we reach out to the neediest among those we serve and are vigilant to the different forms of poverty.
Question # 2
Is this not what we desire for our communities; to be accompanied by Mary so tenderness and gratuity; that our experience of God may become the power of evangelization, spreading the passion for vocations?
Our Community strives to live in authenticity that others may see our love and use our creativity to let the power of God shine through us, that the young may experience evangelization. This is the essence of our battle here. By understanding, living, and praying our entrustment as a community to Mary, our hearts grow in tenderness. We want to be accompanied by Mary, who will teach us to be a community united in joy and to witness this to the young and those we meet.