Dalla Comunità S. Maria Mazzarello
di Calamba City – FILIPPINE
Mornese Center of Spirituality
Pansol, Calamba City
Community Reflection on Mother General’s Circular Letter No. 991
As a community and as individual Sisters we commit ourselves to live the “Amphora Spirituality”, to be containers of good wine for one another and our brothers and sisters, particularly the young.
Like Our Blessed Lady we want
– to be a hymn of adoration and praise,
– to work for our gradual transformation toward purity and goodness like clear water
changed into good wine for the feast of many,
– to offer ourselves through joyful self-giving, mutual respect and accompaniment,
– to acknowledge and affirm the achievements of others
As individuals we commit ourselves to be “amphorae” of:
– adoration and praise (Sr. Rebecca)
– gratuitousness (Sr. Mary Socorro)
– trust (Sr. Nayda)
– joyful self-giving (Sr. Anelie)
– gratitude (Sr. Florita)