Dalla Comunità Auxilium – Kollam Kottiyam – INDIA
Dearest Mother Yvonne, Mille Grazie!
At the outset we, the community of Kollam, Kottiyam, Auxilium, INK Bangalore, INDIA would like too express our heartfelt gratitude for the relentless efforts you made to lead us on the path of Sanctity in our Institute in the spirit of Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello. You were indeed a sister and a mother to your spiritual daughters. In your guidance and exhortations especially through the circular letters you were ever faithful to the church, authentic to the spirit of the founders and ever new in keeping the signs of the times. may the Good Lord and Blessed Mother accompany you ever forward.
According to your exhortation we deepened the circular letter No:992 and shared our reflections. Following are the reflections we would like to share with you.
1.Which attitudes must I cultivate in order to live daily relationships with renewed love and hope, the sign that ‘something new’ is happening?
In order to live daily relationships with renewed love and hope, the sign that ‘something new’ is happening, the attitudes we need to cultivate are:
– to be attentive listeners to the voice of the Holy Spirit and make Him the protagonist of our lives so that He may create deep harmony in and around us.
– to enforce upon ourselves the attitudes of sincere love relationships with one another.
– over ruling the hurt feelings with generous forgiveness.
– overlooking the small differences with patient sympathetic attitudes.
– practice of humility in accepting the shortcoming and failures and readiness to rectify them for harmonious living together.
– to deal with each other with an attitude of trust and respect.
– to imbibe ‘let go let live’ attitude and to be agents of peace.
– to practice altruistic, sensitive attitudes in reaching out to the needy especially those in peripheries.
2. How can we help each other to be more aware of the active and transforming presence of the Holy Spirit in our personal and community experience, in the life of the children, of the young,of the people we meet?
– by having greater adherence to the Word of God and taking the inspiration thereby obtained and put them into practice in our daily living.
– to have greater thirst to be transformed by the Holy Spirit who will fill us with joy and hope to live’person to person’ encounters fruitful and meritorious.
– by imparting to the children a greater love for the Holy Spirit who is the sole protagonist of love, joy and peace for which they crave today.
3. What attention of the heart is needed to perceive His voice, His light?
– great humility of heart to accept the inspirations and promptings of the Holy spirit.
– attentive, reflective, silent prayer moments in the presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament to perceive His voice, His light.
– ardent thirst for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and attentive listening to His inspirations and promptings.
– contemplation of the Word of God especially the life of Jesus who promised us the Holy Spirit.
With much prayers and affection
Sr. Anita Thomas
Sr. Rose Thomas
Sr. Elizabeth George
Sr. Anna T
Sr. Marie Chollenal
Sr. Teresa Thomas
Sr. Lizy Esson
Sr. Jancy Augustine
Sr. Salomi Jacob
Sr. Ritsel D’Almeida