Dal Don Bosco Center – Markham – Ontario – Canada
Dearest Mother Yvonne,
A truly blessed Feast Day! Your daughters, Sr. Theresa Samson, Sr. Pierrette Carpentier, Sr. Marie Corazon Beboso and Sr. Patricia Melanson send greetings and love to you today and everyday as we reach you in our daily prayer.
Aware that our world has been forced to slow its pace of life through the corona virus, isolation has now been the new instrument of creativity for us. Though we are not physically connected to our young people we reach out in creative ways through media.
Taking your wonderful circular 990 we reflected on some of the questions therein. We willingly share the fruits of our prayer and reflection.
Some proposals we make to young people to have missionary experiences
Proposal for those who are making the Sacrament of Confirmation was to collect money for a local organization that shelters young people in the city.
Proposal for providing and serving soup and bread to college/ university students who lack funds for regular meals. This is an avenue to spend some time with them.
Proposal to foster kindness and compassion among our various groups we minister with an emphasis on those who have difficulty to fit in. We provide opportunities to lead, within their groups, discussions and fruitful involvement in the life of the Parish especially through service.
Daring and creative in opening new paths today
New creative paths are formed by keeping the fire burning of our passion for the poor. We support this fire by being present to one another’s ministries, as well as, sharing and praying for each other.
We keep in touch with the social, economic and ecological climates that pose dangers to the families and youth we serve. Through our actions we hope to create agents of change.
We journey in conversation with youth and young adults in their struggles and hopes through chats, retreats, formation programs, conferences and individual encounters.
Faith in the young people and missionary enthusiasm vigorously vibrate as it emerges in the thought and concrete actions of Pope Francis
Yes, we are heavily saturated with desires, prayers, and encounters always in view of the spiritual good of our young people and their families.
Because the young people are not generally supported beyond our input of catechesis and our encounters; parents and society direct youth’s energies in other directions. Maturity of being able to see beyond themselves is a slower journey but it is not without hope.